I'm in my second year of college and i keep changing my major. I've wanted to do nursing, teaching, social work, speech therapy, psychology and something related to like wedding planning or catering.
I change my mind so much, i just want a job where i don't get bored and can make enough money to provide for my family.
How do i decide???!!!!
How do i decide what to major in??!!!!?
Yeah you need to choose for sure and WORK can become routine and mundane no matter what path you choose, but I'm a Junior and have always wanted to be a Vet and that's my effort to a PHD. I think you need to organize in a priority sense
D is majored in Psych, but for very specific reasons.
It sounds like most of yer focus has been OK in the medical field or fringes of it, and forget wedding planner as the basis of yer whole life, no offense.
Again, with no offense, if income is the most driving force you might make good, and still be unhappy. I think what you choose should benefit you of course, but others as well, and some life satisfaction can be gotten from that. To use your example. Teaching. That might never pay well and probly can become frustrating, but it has to be a passion, not just the thought of a job, and that can be said of Nursing, counseling, speech therapy, social work, all you mentioned.
No matter what you choose, boredom need never happen and again, again, no offense, but is often an immature emotion. Certainly by this time you should have already become aware of incomes in selected fields, and situations in which they will most benefit you. It might also depend on where you are or where you are willing to relocate to.
How do i decide what to major in??!!!!?
Pick something that you would not mind doing for the rest of your life. Choose something that makes you happy, forget about materialistic things. I would rather live modestly, and be content than rich and miserable.