Should I major in business management during these times?
In my opinion, business management is an excellent choice for both an undergraduate major and graduate work. The knowledge you gain will help you to understand the current financial and economic crisis. You'll be able to manage your own business if you decide that entrepreneurship provides you more options than employment. Historically, recessions have come to an end eventually, and when it does end, you'll be prepared for management jobs.
Te best reason *not* to major in business management is if you really don't like the field or if you really love some other field. If what you want to do with your life is make ceramic pots as art, then major in art. If you dream of creating culinary delights, then major in nutrition, home economics, or culinary arts. Of course, if you dream of owning a restaurant chain, you might want to major in business and minor in food to combine your loves.
Addendum: When you near graduation, you can reassess the employment situation. One step you can take to increase your employability, albeit not in the business world, is take teacher certification courses in addition to your major courses. Last time I looked, it took about 15 to 18 shc (or roughly one semester extra) to earn teacher certification. Even if the recession plods on, schools and community colleges will continue to need teachers.
Addendum 2: There will always be people with wants and needs and there will always be products that satisfy those needs. %26quot;Business%26quot; is the juncture at which products are supplied to satisfy the demands of those wants and needs. *Somebody* is going to manage and administer that business function, and if you're prepared, that *somebody* might be you. If you're not prepared, the chances are really good that the *somebody* will be somebody else.
Should I major in business management during these times?
Nope, right now if you try to start up your own business, you get effed in the a. I just switched my major from business managment to marketing. It's the safest way. Or you could become a doctor. Both these things don't rely on the economy for profit as business does and rather rely on consumers. Its a better way financially. -Student from Pepperdine University Class of 2009
MBAs are renting cars and being receptionists for the health club.
In other words, you can't go anywhere in business without a MBA, and if you don't have any concrete, specific skills, you'll end up in a plebian job.
TX Mom
Of course! That is a great idea, because im guessing you'll be graduating in 2-3 years? By that time, I believe America's economy will be up to date and competitive because soon our economy is going to be running on alternate energy, just like before when our economy was amazing, it ran on its specialty then: computers. So maybe you should try to look for an energy engineering/business major. I think Penn State has an Energy Business Finance Major if you are an undergraduate. But they also have energy engineering for everyone as well. Good Luck!
well there will always be jobs in business and the economy will go up and down , you have to remember that
There isn't a big difference between a BA in marketing or a BA in management. Business will always be around so you are safe. Plus your degree doesn't get you a job. You do. Its how you use it. I have friends with the same degree as myself and we all used it differently and are in VERY different positions even just 4 years out of college.
No dont. Its to vague of a field. Chose a dedicated field for example, like nursing where when you send out a resume there will always be a connection to what you do.
Business management is a career where you get the experience in the field and majoring in it will not make much sense.
But an architect will put you in a great field with many possibilites, as well as a defined line of what you want.
DONT BE TO RANDOM. Chose a career and go for it.