Saturday, 4 June 2011

Can I Change my Major from Psycology to English after 2 years ?


I went to college in January 2002 for one semester only ( General Studies because I did not know what major to take )

Now I m planning to go back to college, I really would like to major in Liberal Arts - English ( to be more specific ) but unfortunately this Community College does not offer that major, so I decided to take Psycology, today at the college they changed my Major from General Studies to Psycology.

My problem was that since I can not take English as a Major, I was thinking to take 2 years of Psycology and then when I transfer to another 2 years for my Bachelor Degree ( change it to English )

Can I do that ?

Do you guys think it;s a good combination ?

this first to years I was thinking to focus in Industrial Psychology but I do not know how can affect changing majors.

since both are in the field of Liberal Arts probably shouldn%26#039;t be a problem

what you guys think

help|||This is the best advice I can give you... major in something that will give you training to get a real job. English is not going to get you a real job that pays well. That is a bulls--- major. Sorry to be tough on you, but I am just telling you the truth.|||Do whatever makes you happy. Lots of people change would hate to get stuck with a degree you can%26#039;t find a job you love with.|||depends on the university and their rules|||Yeah you sure can,depending on your other pre reqs.|||you can with proper approval and permits|||how about a minor in English...if that doesn%26#039;t cut it for you, I am not sure. Maybe you can look up courses that you need at this other University, so you can start taking some if your Uni offers them. Then try to get a double major maybe. I am not sure how it works in the States. Shouldn%26#039;t there be a year at which you declare your major?|||I am sorry, I do not know the specifics, really you should visit a councilor at your learning institution to clear details. I can tell you truly that you can change your major at any time in your college career, it may affect the amount of time you spend in college though.|||you need to know what 4 year you want to attend. check with them about what will transfer. usually all your basics will transfer, so at least you%26#039;ll have that. when you go to a 4 year college, you can choose english as a major and psych as a minor (that%26#039;s my combo, actually). they work well together, and if you are interested in both, you probably won%26#039;t lose focus. actually, i think everyone going to the field of english should know a little something about psychology - helps to make sense of both the characters and the writers! what%26#039;s most important here is that you talk to an adviser from the 4 year you want to go to (if you know where you want to set your sights) so that you can maximize the classes you take and not waste any time|||I wouldn%26#039;t call Psycology a liberal art but yes. You don%26#039;t have to declaire a major at most schools until you%26#039;re a junior anyway. I wouldn%26#039;t even declair psychology. I would look at the four year university%26#039;s requirements for an English major and core requirements, get as much core out of the way as you can and take whatever classes will transfer to help your English major (need to read the discriptions to see if they cover the same topics, and can always call and ask).

You could also attempt a transfer degree (where you do pretty much what I just discribed). Many four year colleges take these as an assurance that your core requirements are taken care of so you just have major requirements when you get there.

Both majors do sound very interesting, I hope it all works out.|||I have a BS in Psych and I wouldn%26#039;t exactly call it a liberal art, but then again I went to a school where it had a VERY science feel to it. Most psych programs are designed the same way. you have intro psych, then a lot of other introductory courses in the various disciplines in psychology. You might only have one course in I/O psych (if you%26#039;re lucky). I%26#039;m guessing you still have some core requirements left to fulfill in the gen ed requirements. Fulfill those first. You don%26#039;t want to take too many psych courses, you might be in school more time than you want to be if you try to switch to english.