Saturday, 4 June 2011

Does changing major mean graduating late?

if i decide to change my major the first year in college at uc, would i still graduate late, staying an extra year or so?

or can i still graduate in four years?|||Not necessarily, since you%26#039;re only in your first year of college. Talk to your academic adviser. You can always take summer school or take extra classes. |||Ya Bo Dana is right.

Depends how much of a change. If you go from sciences to arts or vice versa then you are probably looking at another year or two (or summers and a year). If you are making a minor change, say Zoology to Biology then you may even get away with no additional time.

What you need to do is find out specifically what are the requirements for your new major and do the classes you have taken thus far meet those requirements? If you are usure about requirements and pre-req%26#039;s contact your academic advisor. They should know the requirements and be able to help you.

The first year (for most Uni%26#039;s the first 2 years) are usually just core classes and do not affect your major choice that much. However, again a major change arts to sciences you might find you are short on a math requirement.

And lastly if you don%26#039;t know what you want to do then just focus on finishing in something. Or pray, or throw darts blindfolded at a dartboard with majors on it (make sure no one is behind the board or holding it and make sure you are facing the right direction...of course if you are a sports major and you can%26#039;t hit the dart board even without a blindfold then definitely change majors, soon)

Good luck!|||It depends,

You may have taken classes that are required in new major.

Anyway, If you will take more classes by changing the major and you want to graduate in 4 years, taking summer courses would be a good idea