Saturday, 4 June 2011

I'm thinking about changing my major in college to anthropology, is it a good career?

What are your favorite things about anthropology? If you have a career of some sort in anthropology could you tell me a little bit about what you? I know what anthropologist do but i would like to know some specifics. Thank you ahead of time!|||Although all the previous answers have valid points, there are sub fields of anthropology that can be very lucrative and stable. For example, forensic anthropology and criminology pay quite well.|||I am archaeologist. Two of my degrees are in anthropology.

I have been employed and living comfortably (though I am by no means rich) for 21 years in my field.

Cultural anthropology, although very interesting and fun, offers very little in the way of a job market. There are other fields within anthropology that have more to offer - depends on what you want out of it and how much hard work you are willing to dedicate yourself to.

your college professors and advisors are obliged to be honest with you about the job market and what your future might look like. if they don%26#039;t offer this kind of advice, and can%26#039;t show you evidence to back up their opinions, they are not doing their jobs. if you find this to be the case, you should stick with a department that has more responsible faculty members in it.|||I would choose something else. It%26#039;s very hard to get a job in the field. You have to be brilliant, born into it like the Leakey family or have connections. Believe me, I knew people getting their Masters and Ph.D%26#039;s telling me to get out and to seek another major. It%26#039;s was fun and interesting, but I had to seek employment outside of my major.|||If you have kids or plan on having kids - you should forget about it. %26quot;Okay kids, Mommy is off to make 38K a year in New Guinea - you%26#039;ll be fine for three months right?%26quot;

Think - pharmaceutical sales.......|||Unless you get your PH.D., it will be very difficult to find work in the field for a decent salary. All the social sciences are that way. Sad, but true.|||I completely agree with the person above me. I heard that anthropologists really don%26#039;t make that much money.