Saturday, 4 June 2011

Friend keeps changing major?

I%26#039;m trying to tell my best friend she really needs to stop taking unnecessary classes and changing her major (wasting time and money). She jokes to others about how she lives off of fin aid (apparently wasting others money, and 12,00/yr isn%26#039;t s%#t to me). I wanted to know is there a deadline that after so many credits or dropping classes that fin aid stop giving you funds for school? Has this ever happen to anybody?|||Some people just go to school just for the refund checks. If a student is at a 4 year school, that student can only receive pell for so many semesters/quarters before it is gone for life.

However, if they received pell prior to 2007, they can receive pell pretty much forever as long as they meet the qualifications and do not earn a bach or higher degree.

Now, there is a new law now that puts limits on how long and often students can receive pell.

If she is living off of student loans, eventually she will recieve the lifetime maximum and be forced to start paying it back or no longer be eligible for financial aid until she pays it under the undegrad limit, which I think is around 60,000.

Everything else WILL expire though. No scholarship or other grants are last forever.

I would tell your friend if she is not interested in finishing, tell her to just get a job instead. Eventually she is going to get tired of school if not going anywhere.