I was thinking about changing my major. I am just in my second programming class and their is absolutely no math in it, but it's really kicking my rear. I seriously can't do this. I made A's all the way through Cal 3 and enjoy Math more, but I do not want to become a teacher. Is there anything else you can do with a Bachelors in Math or should I do something else. Hopefully something with a lot of Math.
Changing from Computer Science to Math major?
Actually computer science has a great deal of math in it. The bare minimum of getting a bachelor's degree requires Calculus, Differential Equations, Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, Statistics, and Numerical Analysis. On top of that, students usually take Number Theory, Combinatorics, and Probability Theory along with it.
However, if you find programming to be too hard for you or you just don't like it that much, then by all means, switch to the major that you want.
Once you get Bachelors of Math, you can go and get your Ph.D. and work at a research laboratory, they always hiring math majors :)