Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Whats the cause of students changing majors from engineering ?

Im doing a paper, and my topic is why do so many engineering students switch majors. Is it just to difficult? There honestly is a select few that actually are engineers. I do hear a lot of people saying that there majoring in engineering, but anyone can really say that. There is only respect if your in third year already, and almost close to finishing. Thoughts ?
Whats the cause of students changing majors from engineering ?
often engineering students aren't prepared well enough to handle the work load that comes with the major. They assume that it will be like high school which is a big mistake. In order to be a successful engineer, one must apply oneself and face the tough times. Engineering degree is the holy grail of all degrees because with an engineering degree comes many oppurtunities. An engineer major may even be more readily accepted into medical school than a bio major.
Whats the cause of students changing majors from engineering ?
Stop posting this you idiot. You've already asked this question 20 times.
Business majors can make just as much money, and it's a cake major. The BSE is one of the hardest bachelor's degrees to earn. Also, Engineering salaries have stagnated (the same when accounting for inflation for the past 20 years) while other jobs have had an increase in salary.