Saturday, 24 September 2011

I've been thinking about changing my major, but I'm unsure as to what. I just don't feel I'm doing well?

I wanted to be a doctor, but I can't seem to get a 4.0 no matter how hard I try. I have about a 3.0, but I know a lot of medical schools won't accept you unless you have a 3.5 or higher.

I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find accurate online aptitude tests.

I don't know what I hate or what I love. I'm so lost.
I've been thinking about changing my major, but I'm unsure as to what. I just don't feel I'm doing well?
If you really want to be a doctor, take a few additional courses until you get your GPA up to a 3.5. I'm not saying take the most difficult courses you can find on campus, but take something that you're certain you'll pass with an A. For example, take a studio art course. Find your artistic self and boost your GPA at the same time!