Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What major should I change to?

Well, I'm actually majoring in Nursing... but I can't take it. I don't enjoy what I do. I've been thinking of changing majors, and the one that I've been thinking of changing in to is Management Information Systems. Do you think that's a good idea? Or no? Any suggestions with majors, especially in this economy? But please, don't say any major related to the Health Sciences/ Medical fields.

I appreciate your answers! Thank you.
What major should I change to?
It's really hard to make suggestions when I know nothing about your personality. Information Systems is somewhat related to IT, and therefore can be highly abstract, highly confusing, and things change all the time. You need to be top notch to be successful in this kind of field (I'm a computer scientist, I know a thing or two about that). It's not like nursing where you do study a lot, but you don't have to come up with difficult intellectual solutions in very short time frames (unless you choose Academic career). I don't mean to scare you, there's much on the bright side too.

If you only want to be pointed to where the money is, I think you're making a fairly good choice, you're likely to make more money on MIS than on my field of work for example. Still the risk is higher. An engineering degree will more certainly bring you steady decent income.

You could consider also a career of Systems Analyst too. Where I work (software development company) every single analyst is female, and not because of any police. They all seem happy and have a much better social life than us(the people who actually write the code and solve the math problems).

If you like dealing with people, there's also hospitality/tourism. It's kinda important that you speak more than one language though. I mean, you can get a job fine with only english, but knowing spanish, french etc would give you a boost.

Architecture is another awesome profession in my personal opinion.

I could go on, but I don't really know you so I might be on the wrong track here.
What major should I change to?
Absolutely, Information System Managers can make good money. Every company needs them to run smoothly, and they can often demand better salaries than nurses. While nursing is an honorable profession, (and increasingly better paid) it is certainly not for everyone. I couldn't imagine being a nurse either... too much gore and grime.
What do you enjoy doing and still make a decent living? I would go for that