I am a nutrition major and over the past 3 years, i didn't enjoy much of my classes. I love science and how human body work. but I'm really not so interested in community/public health/foodservice MGMT.
I'm good at numbers and solving problems. Actuarial science seems very challenging.I looked at the degree plan and find those math class interesting. I can graduate this December with a dietetic nutrition major. Or If I take enough classes in the following 3 semesters, I will be able to graduate in Actuarial science degree next summer. what should I do?? I feel ok about being a dietitian but I seriously think dietitians are underpaid. I meant. We spent 4 years in college taking nutritional science/bio/chem/nursing classes and we have to do 6mo post graduate academic/clinical intern and pay for the extra education.I don't know if its worth it to do nutrition. Actuarial science seems like a better option for the long run.
Changing major to nutrition to actuarial science?
stay with actuarial...it'll prvide a lot of better oppurtunities in the future in compartison to deitary nutrition
wow i cannot spell!..but i'm too lazy to use spell check