I'm in my second year of college and I don't think that the major I am persuing is the ight one for me. Is it too late for me to change? Right now my major is in animation but for a while now I've been wanting to switch to a more scientific major. It's a pretty big change so I didn't want to just make a blind jump. Do a lot of students change their majors this late? What kind of process would be involved in changing? Would I need to take classes during the summer or something or would it be like starting over again from scratch?
Question about changing majors?
You wouldn't believe how many students I get who change their major; many during their sophomore year, and some even as late as their junior year. At our university, to change majors you have to fill out a form (of course!) that lists the old major and the new major. The student also has to notify the dept of the old major to send their advising folder to the department of the new major.
I don't know what your school is like, but at ours, students spend most of the first two years taking their general education courses, most of which are interchangeable between majors. If your school is like that and you've been taking general education courses, then now is a good time to switch majors.
As far as taking classes during the summer, that is a good way to catch up.
Good luck with your decision!
Question about changing majors?
It's never too late. See an advisor and determine what courses you will need for your new major. Then make your change official and start taking the courses that are on the new plan. Hopefully by changing this early you won't lose too many credits.
Best of luck!!
Do you have an advisor? Your advisor should be able to answer these questions. If not, you should see if the department your major of interest is under has a general advisor or a counselor who would also be able to help you. You might end up attending school longer than you intended, but the credits for general courses like English and math should transfer.
BTW, I changed majors after two years and I did fine. :)
There's a lot of money going into you being in college...you should study something you enjoy and think would help you find a job in the future. Therefore it's totally okay to change your major and it's never too late to do so. I knew a girl who changed her major from psychology to nursing in her senior year of college. Changing your major now might or might not mean a few extra classes for you. Since you're in your second year, you might still be taking core classes that are essential for all majors, so likely you wouldn't be losing out on much time. I doubt you would be starting from scratch. I changed my major two months into my second year of college and it was probably the best decision I made academically in college. I started out majoring in respiratory therapy, but hated math and chemistry and anatomy because they were so hard for me. I changed my major to psychology and I was much happier. I was more interested in the subject, the work came to me more naturally and I was just happier. If you have an advisor, talk to him or her about changing majors. Your advisor can tell you what you need to do to go about changing majors. If you don't have one, every academic department have advisors, just contact the advisor for your new major. You might have to take some classes in the summer at some point, but they are not bad at all. In fact, I took summer classes all but one summer I was in college and I was happy that I did. If you feel changing your major is the right thing for you to do, then go for it. Good luck!