My two chicks are growing, i know, but they don't seem to be changing that much. do you know anytime when a major change occurs, like maybe breaking of voice or something.
What are major dates for changes in chicks?
go to this website
What are major dates for changes in chicks?
Well the chick egg hatches 21 days after laying.
It is born and takes roughly 2 hours for the feathers to dry.
At 7 days they need/ start eating grit to help their gizzrd properly function.
At about 20 weeks old the chicks or hens now start laying.
The Voice of a hen will get deeper as they get older but it is very gradual
This is about all that happens in a Chicks lifetime
Chicks will be all feathered out at about the age of 4wks.
They will maintain the peeping voice until about the age of 3 months when you will start to realize the change in their voice and YES,it does kinda %26quot;crack%26quot;.
Cockeriels esp will sound as if they have a hoarse throat as they begin to get their crowing voice. . . .Pullets have a noticeable change but not as dramatic as the cockeriel.
Once they get their adult voices is when you will quit seeing much change in them which is generally at the 6 month old stage. They are considered to be full grown at this age.