And, have you ever seen other people switch their majors from nursing to (biological sciences) pre-med?
The reason why I am thinking about changing my major is that becuase i have a feeling that I want to be charge than just working under a physician, I want to be the person calling all the shots in a life and death situation. I know it will be tough, but the rewards will be great.
I am thinking about Changing my major from nursing to biological sciences (pre-med)?
The science prerequisite coursework is much harder. Nursing students take a watered down version of the courses that full majors do, which are the type of courses suitable for premed coursework. As an example, your entire chem sequence for nursing is just two semesters, one semester for elementary chem and one semester for organic chem. In contrast, majors in the field are required to take a full year (2 semesters) of general chem, and a year of organic chem, plus it's recommended to take an upper division of biochem which is basically an extension of organic chem. It's the same tune with bio and physics courses as well. Bio courses are the upper division level are extremely difficult courses, with many washing out.
You also might want to rethink your reasoning behind switching. Nursing is a more realistic option especially when combined with a masters in nursing, it's a very powerful degree. Calling the shots? You should know that it's the insurance/HMOs that call the shots (and soon the government), not the physicians. Physicians actually take the brunt of the pain when it comes to healthcare and malpractice costs. Rewards are not as great either when you consider you're guaranteed to be stuck in deep six figure debt for schooling. Reconsider!