Hello there,
Im in Biology Phd program now and it will be my sencond year in Fall Semester.But I find i totally hate bench work and i regret choosing it though i still love science. It makes me unhappy in the lab.
I really want to change but how?
I myself want to take Business undergraduate program and then master program. i think maybe it will cost me 5 years totally as well as the Bio-Phd will cost me if i continue.
However, some of my friend say:PhD is a status symbol in the bussiness world and i should continue bio and when im in third year of the Phd program i can take master study in business at the same time. It is too old for me to take undergraduate classes.
i dont like to waste my time in the bench work...i want do business...how can i do? which major shall i take? business? finace?MBA?.....
Thank you!
Does it waste time if i change major?
How about Major in Business and minor in communications?
they always go good together.
I don't think your going to waste too much time. you said this fall is going to be your 2nd year? So your not going to waste any credit hours. Most of the first year classes are general education anyway. Do what you know you would be happy doing because you should be happy with your job.
Good Luck
Does it waste time if i change major?
It is not a waste. In fact, you might have a leg up over most. I would NOT recommend a business undergrad. Go for the MBA, especially since you were admitted to a PhD program which speaks volumes alone. Just make sure you can eloquently articulate WHY you are changing to business. Not having a background in business course means you will have to take some pre-reqs so an undergrad degree would add too much time and repeated material. Also, MBA programs tend to choose not off of GPA / Work / GMAT, but the TYPE of student. Too many consultants or engineers wouldn't work but Biology?? How many have that going into a MBA... ups your chances.
I don't think it is a waste of time ever to learn things. If you intend to learn something (especially if it is something you like) then it is good.
you want to change your major for a good reason, to you.
for you to continue in a major you are not happy with
sure, it would have been better if you had made up your mind
in the begining, but you have to be happy with your choice.
cut your losses and get on with what it is you really want to do
If you don't like what you're doing, change your major. The worst thing you can possibly do is to continue out of obligation and be miserable for the rest of your life. I changed my major 21 credit hours away from a BBA in management, in spite of the fact that it meant an entire extra year and the potential loss of a lucrative scholarship. The result?
I've never been happier.
if u really hate it then change it.
You have to do what makes you happy. I can tell you from experience that switching majors can cost you a lot of extra time and in some cases you could possibly end up without a degree at all. It sounds like the best thing you can do it go ahead and finish your PHd and then get your Masters in Business. If you are still confused consider talking to an advisor at your college.