Saturday, 24 September 2011

I stink at java, should i still major in computer science?

i just took my first computer science course, in introduction to java. ill admit that im absolutely terrible. ill probably get a C+ in the course, especially after that last test.

anyway, would it be smart to just change majors, or should i stick with it?
I stink at java, should i still major in computer science?
It depends. What got you interested in computer science in the first place? If it was %26quot;programming%26quot; in a joke language like, say, Basic (not that Java's that great, but that's another story...), then yeah, CS is probably not for you.

It's possible you just had a bad professor. Other stuff to consider: Did you enjoy the class? How hard did you work? Do you see yourself doing better in subsequent courses?

Unfortunately, understanding Java is the basis for learning a lot of the more marketable programming languages (such as C#), so if you really had a problem with it, it might be smart to change majors.
I stink at java, should i still major in computer science?
practice makes you better, try to solve practice excercises from books. that would help you out. the more you practice the better you will be.

java and c++ are practically similar so changing majors wont help you.