Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Worried to tell parents about changing major?

I am currently a nursing major but I want to change my major to psychology. When I started college I wanted to be a pharmacist but my plans changed and I switched to nursing cause it was still in the medical field but without four years of college afterward. I liked the idea of nursing at first but I am slowly losing interest, I feel I am only doing it because of the money. I want to switch to psychology cause after taking a general psych class last spring I fell in love with psychology, it was the first class that really got me excited about college and encouraged me not to give up. With nursing all I think about is the dreadful science courses I have to take when I barely passed freshman biology.

My parents are very understanding and supportive and I know they would stand by me no matter what but because nursing provides a great living after college and psychology doesn't I feel like I would be letting them down. What should I do?? I don't want to disappoint them but I don't feel the same anymore, I am just faking like I do so I won't let them down.
Worried to tell parents about changing major?
If you don't want to spend the rest of your life being a nurse, now is a good time to leave that career path. Sure nurses make good money, but a lot of them don't enjoy their job. Psychology makes a great major, but as you know there's not a whole lot of jobs that require a psychology degree. That's fine because plenty of jobs simply require a bachelor's degree, such as a salesman for example. You may want to go visit the psychology department at your college and ask what jobs they recommend to you.
Worried to tell parents about changing major?
You changed from pharmacy because of the added years of schooling. With psychology, you need at least a masters degree to actually do meaningful work responsibilities. Bachelor degree holders do not make much money at all and have very little responsibility. Be sure that this is what you love because you will need to complete more schooling.

You could always become a psychiatric nurse. Make your decision and then tell you parents, they sound like they will understand.