Wednesday, 21 September 2011

College student needs advice about changing major...?

I'm a junior in college and I'm currently majoring in English. However, I've recently been toying with the possibility of changing my major to cinema studies. My English classes have been sucking the life out of me. Before college, writing was my biggest passion, and I was an avid reader. Now, both feel like chores. I feel like my English major is slowly breaking my spirit, but changing majors in my junior year means many things- I may not graduate on time. There would be extra tuition fees. I question the job possibilities that are attached to this new major. So the $100,000 question is....Should I change my major?
College student needs advice about changing major...?
THIs is a tough one... here's my thinking-

Go ahead and finish your English major... i mean, you might as well. Then go to grad school and do cinema studies. It sounds to me that if those two are paired, you could make a decent playwright!
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