Saturday, 24 September 2011

What major changes in our society have occurred in the past 13 years?

i have to do a 300 word essay about one major change in our society that i have observed or experianced. I clueless. i don't want to write about technology cuz everyone will do that. I was thinking about the US Election but that would be too long. Maybe gay rights or environmental. help me!
What major changes in our society have occurred in the past 13 years?
i would do one about cell phones cause nobody had them (or very few) 13 years ago.

Gay right would qualify too, but I think cell phones would be bestter.
What major changes in our society have occurred in the past 13 years?
a black man got elected as president

but seriously ...

obama (black) got eleced as president

we went to war with Iraq

the twin towers got hit
i was born
in reality people are getting dumber and dumber they are trying to exhaust mother earths resources
08 was huge cuz it was the worst yr since the depression and we voted in our first african american president
Someone just told me they abolished slavery WTF man???
the rich have got richer and the poor have got poorer
You could right about Tony the tiger and where in tar nation did he go he went to a good place
Talk about the environment, sure, and how it's all a lie by the government. If you look at what real established scientists--those that aren't paid by politicians--say, you'll realize that most of their studies suggest that most of the environmentalism out there is complete BS. In fact, politicians have been starting to realize this in the past year or two and have been quieting down about it. If you want to write about the environment, write about the environmental hoax.
You could write about media influence on society. Its probably not a recent major change since the media has always influenced people but over the past few years its gotten bad.

I would talk about all the pressures women and girls feel to be skinny/pretty/beautiful/look like a model/etc because of all the exposure we have to magazines, movies, tv shows. etc.

good luck!
Nothing has changed in the past 13 years, let alone the past 100 years.

Society thinks they're getting smarter, but they keep making the same mistakes.

Drop the sociology class and go sign up for history class instead.
cell phone use became widespread

internet usage became widespread

security has gotten tougher in many places after 9/11

Iraq war

nations changin to digital tv transmission signals (such as US, netherlands, etc.)

first african-american president-elect

economic recession

energy crisis

medical advances

(jst 2 name a few )
I am older than I was a year ago. That is big time major.

Anyways, the election would be great to do. First black President. how society has become more accepting. My Hist. of India teacher told me how Obama won in a preiviously racist neighborhood. Try that.

The going Green thing has been going on now.

California passed the thing about marriage being only between a man and a woman. That is really interesting. I'd like to look into that. Give a little history about before and then tell why it is a surprising result. That would be a good one.
The increased threat of terrorism here in the US has eliminated our smugness that we are invincible, the increase in obesity and how it affects health, unemployment, longevity etc, or the emphasis on %26quot;political correctness%26quot; in speech so as not to trample on anyone's feelings, the proliferation of %26quot;reality%26quot; television that is anything but real, pathetic state of the economy....I could go on and on.
The American Indians have gotten the right to build casinos in states that don't allow casinos.

That's about it.
