Saturday, 24 September 2011

What major changes occured in Russia after 1917?

What major changes occured in Russia after 1917 and why exaactly was 1917 a changing point?
What major changes occured in Russia after 1917?
Russian Revolution (1917) was a series of economic and social upheavals in Russia, involving first the overthrow of the tsarist autocracy, and then the overthrow of the liberal and moderate-socialist Provisional Government, resulting in the establishment of Soviet power under the control of the Bolshevik party. This eventually led to the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922, which lasted until its dissolution in 1991.

So yeah, change from czarist system to a communist system.

But it wasn't immediate. They had to fend off the allies, then collectivise etc. This occurred during Stalin's reign as well...

but if you just want a list of what happened:

- feb revolution, czar abdicates, provisional gov created

- lenin returns to russia. created 10 state policies, such as %26quot;abolish state debt%26quot; - april thesis

- the bolshviks held support of lower classes, provisional gov officially in charge

- october revolution, bolsheviks overthrow provisional gov.

plus a lot of other things happened, but i won't go into s much detail.

a lot of things also happened in 1918.

they pulled out of the war in 1918, killed the royal family and civil war started between the royalists and the bolsheviks.

try looking it up on wikipedia, because a hell of a lot happened! but the best thing though, would be to buy a small gcse textbook, because tey literally list it and it's more thorough and easy to understand than wikipedia (i just checked out the wikipedia page).
What major changes occured in Russia after 1917?
Russian Revoution. The boleshevic (sp?)'s had the romanov family (where Czar nickolas and anistasia came from, you might know the story) done away with.

idk if thats what your looking for, but try googling some of that. because i assume that you tried %26quot;changed in russian after 1917%26quot;
In the middle of WWI, the Czar was deposed by a rebellion, a provisional government was created, but later the comunists, leaded by Vladimir Ilich Ulianov, aka Lenin, seized power, pulverized the old feudal system and the barely beginning capitalism, and made comunism the system of the country

Also, they shot the Czar with his family, some other nobles as a bonus, and made peace with Germany to face the internal problems
The Russian Revolution. Basically, in a nutshell, world war one was going on and Russia was in debt from the war. So, the revolted against the current Czar of the country and started a revoultion. Commusium soon took hold and the Soviet Union was shortly formed afterwords.
To answer that would take a hell of a lot more space than you get on here.

It was the most important date in Russian History.

Sounds like an essay question to me. You need to do some research...