I'm currently a pre-pharmacy student at a HIGHLY compet
itive pharmacy school and I'm find
ing it challenging. I was never a person who was strong in the science's and I'm struggling. I can no longer suffer so I'm changing my major to either finance or marketing. People keep telling me that finance is just as challenging but I can't believe it. And I don't really know if with a marketing degree that I would find a rewarding career that can potentially get me to six figures. So I was just wondering what's the world's view of my transition and is it sensible or wise?
Changing major from pre-pharmacy to Finance?
yeah finance is challenging, but any competitive school will have competitive and challenging progra
ms. Just do what you love and are willing to work for. Honestly, you only have to give up 4-5 years of your life (college) and you ll have the rest of your life to make money, work, and have fun spending your money and not doing homework
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