Friday, 16 September 2011

Will changing my major put me too far behind?

I've finished my freshman year of college as a Pre-med science major (with a 3.92GPA and 36 credit hours under my belt, 17 of which were science-related, 4 from a math course, 3 filling a general honors requirement, and 12 from various social sciences).

I'm currently a political science minor, but I was wondering, if I decide to leave the Pre-Med track and change my major to political science for the upcoming academic year, will I still be able to graduate on time? I think if I continue taking as many credit hours as I can each semester, it should work out, but I just wanted to hear some opinions. One thing that I should mention is that the general B.A. requirements are the same for all the science and social science majors.

Also, because my parents want me to give the Pre-Med track some more time, what will happen if I finish my sophomore year before making my decision?

For the fall semester, I'll have 16 credit hours (as opposed to the previous 18, which is the max allowed, because any remaining courses I need to take are at least 3 credit hours), comprised of 2 science courses and 3 courses filling general requirements. I can't say for sure, but I believe the spring semester should, essentially, be the same.

So, I'm especially interested in whether waiting until the end of my sophomore year to change majors will delay my graduation date. If so, would taking a few summer courses put me back on track? Or is this a decision that needs to be made before sophomore year if I want to graduate in May of 2013?

All suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Will changing my major put me too far behind?
See your college counselor who needs to look at your specific courses to determine the credits that will transfer./
Will changing my major put me too far behind?
I changed majors when I had 74 hours. It didn't delay me I didn't graduate on time but I was not on track when I changed majors. Summer is a good way to catch up if you need to. I think it should be ok.
Look at the political science major requirements. If you don't need that many classes and the poli sci classes don't have too many prerequisites, then you should be able to graduate on time. If you can't, consider taking a few summer courses to catch up. Also, can you start taking poli sci classes now? If so, this would definitely improve your chances of graduating on time if you do change your major.

The only way to really know for sure is to make a 4 year plan. Sit down and actually write out every course you need and in which order. Talk to an adviser in the poli sci department to see if your plan is feasible.