Right now I'm a nursing major. Now I'm thinking that it's not right for me. I haven't started clinicals yet, but I don't even like my nursing related prerequisite courses. I haven't dropped out of it yet. I don't know what else to do. I hate the idea of starting over and thinking about all the time I wasted. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Have you ever changed majors and was it worth it?
How many of you have ever changed your major?
I switched from Music to Hotel and Restaurant Management, and yes, it was worth it for me, even though I didn't end up in either field.
The thing to remember, though, is that prerequisites in most fields are awful. I teach marketing, and I know we lose a lot of marketing majors before they ever take a marketing class because they don't like math, accounting, economics, or statistics. However, these subject matters are important, and while they are not the meat of marketing, they do give a background without which students would not do well. I would assume the same is true of nursing. I'm sure you need a lot of basic science, although most of what you will eventually be doing is patient care. You might want to talk to some nurses about their experiences, and get a sense of where this major is going before you make a switch.
How many of you have ever changed your major?
Yes, I changed twice. Definitely worth it. Started with Biology, moved to maths then moved to German. Got there in the end.
Just take some basic corses for now until you make up your mind ; I started out as a psych major and had the same problem ... I transfered into Bio ; so i could go PreMed . Most schools have graduation requirements ( a math , a writing corse , a few psych classes , ) - focas more on your required classes. Take that time to make up your mind , and then take classes that pertain to your major - to buy yourself time w/o wasting any. :)
Best of luck !
Yeah I' ve changed my major before. I was miserable before I changed it, now I'm not. Do whatever makes you happy.
I started off as an English major with a secondary education emphasis, and I ended up dropping the ed part and adding a second major, so now I am double majoring in English and Russian Studies. If you don't like what you are doing, I do recommend changing majors; you don't want to be stuck doing something you hate for the rest of your life. Think carefully about the things you are passionate about, and pick a major that corresponds with those passions. Partway into my first semester in college, I realized that I love working with young adults, but I want to teach the material I want to teach, and I want to teach people who want to be in the classroom. I also realized that I don't want to spend all of my time disciplining students, or dealing with high school drama. So, now I plan to become a college professor. Since I dropped the secondary ed, I am much happier about my chosen career path. I worry about getting a job, but at least I'm studying something I love.