I am a freshman in college and I recently switched from a computer application major to biology. I happen to be mostly anti-government (or at least I don't agree with taking other people's money without their direct consent), but I could go for something such as a private school professor, probably college level. I would also very much like to travel and I very much enjoy archeology and (physical) anthropology. Should I switch to those majors? Does anyone have any experience there?
What kind of non-governmental jobs are there for a Biology Major? Or perhaps I should change majors?
You need to figure out what actual intrests you. If biology is what you want get it. If you wanna teach, plan on more years in school. You really need to figure out what type of work you like. if you like being outside %26amp; traveling biology offers a lot of field time. I have a biology degree but I work on policy, I did field work but it was just collecting data and no follow through. Also, economy stinks so many of the unique/fun jobs are hard to come by. But plenty of private sector jobs exist for biology. Also, see if you can either dual-major or get a Biology with a minor in one of the other areas. Your college should have a carrer center and probably requires academic advising, which might help. The best is to go ahead and start your biology and take a course in one of the others as an elective. You will find out fast if that is a subject that really instrests you.