What career/job can a person get with an organizational communication major?
If you have either business experience or if you were considering double majoring (or maybe even minoring) in a business or management field, you should be able to land some mid-management job in corporate America somewhere.
The other thing you must realize is that alot of jobs are not degree specific. They want to see you got an education and they want you to be able to tell them how the skills you acquired through education and experience makes you a good fit for their team. What company could not benefit from someone who has training in organizational communication? You could probably find a job in a semmingly non-related field if you can just %26quot;sell%26quot; the skills you learned as being applicable to the position in which you are applying.
Maybe the more appropraite question would be: what do you want to do? And can I find a way to either directly or indirectly make the skills I learn in the course of getting this degree applicable to what I want to do.
What career/job can a person get with an organizational communication major?
Anything to do with internal communications....often those jobs are within public affairs departments (as in my company) or in human resources department. Or you may consider organizational effectiveness, which is internal process direction and consulting. Of course you are probably looking at fairly large companies. If you want to avoid ending up in a %26quot;you want fries with that job%26quot; I'd suggest planning on looking to a big company for your graduate job and start getting internships lined up ASAP to get some real-world experience prior to graduation, especially if you want to work in PR.